
Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects the spine. In the early stages of AS, the joints between vertebrae become fused. This fusion results in abnormal growth of bone tissue called syndesmophytes. The body fuses these areas in order to stabilize the spine. As Ankylosing Spondylitis progresses, the spine becomes stiff, causing pain and difficulty walking or standing.
When bones fuse, they don’t always stay stable. They often loosen over time due to stress and wear & tear. If this happens, the spine starts splaying apart, potentially leading to spinal cord damage.

When the vertebrae fuse, they become rigid and immobile. This creates a new joint surface for movement. If the spine is fused too far forward, the patient may develop kyphosis (humpback). Kyphosis is also known as lordotic curve because the lower part of the back curves upward.

What are the symptoms?
The most typically afflicted places are:

  • Hip and shoulder articulations
  • The cartilage that lies between the ribs.
  • Tendons and ligaments link to bones mostly in the spine but occasionally down the heel’s back.
  • The joint connects the base of the spine to the pelvis.
  • The lower back’s vertebrae
  • What are the complications?

    New bone occurs as part of the body’s attempt to mend in severe ankylosing spondylitis. This new bone gradually covers the space between vertebrae, finally fusing vertebral portions. Those areas of the spine stiffen and become rigid. Fusion can also cause the rib cage to harden, limiting lung capacity and function.

  • Ankylosing spondylitis can create difficulties with the aorta, the body’s biggest artery. Inflammation of the aorta can cause it to deform the shape of the aortic valve in the heart, impairing its function. Ankylosing spondylitis-related inflammation raises the risk of heart disease in general.
  • During the early phases of ankylosing spondylitis, some people’s bones deteriorate. Weakened vertebrae might crumple, exacerbating a stooping posture. Vertebral fractures can strain the spinal cord and nerves that go through the spine, potentially injuring them.
  • Uveitis, one of the most prevalent consequences of ankylosing spondylitis, causes sudden eye discomfort, sensitivity to light, and impaired vision. If you have any of these symptoms, contact your doctor straight once.
  • What are the causes?
    People carrying the HLA-B27 gene are at a higher risk of developing ankylosing spondylitis. However, only a subset of persons who carry the gene exhibit the condition.

    Seek medical treatment if you experience low back pain that has gradually developed, is worse in the morning, or wakes you up in the second half of the night — especially if the pain improves with exercise and worsens with rest. See an eye expert immediately if you acquire a painful red eye, significant light sensitivity, or impaired vision.


    When the spine’s bones fuse together, it is impossible to move around normally. In order to treat the pain caused by AS, doctors may recommend surgery to remove the fused area and replace it with metal rods.
    Come to the safe and best hands of Orthocure, the top orthopaedic clinic, to take care of your Spondilytis and get the greatest pain management programme.