Gardening is a therapeutic activity and an indulgent hobby of many people. While the calming and peaceful aspect of it cannot be questioned, the stress it can put on your spine especially if you are suffering from chronic pain is a matter of concern.

Specialized orthopedic doctors, physiotherapists, and chiropractor available at Orthocure Clinics suggest certain tips and precautions be kept in mind while gardening to avoid injuries and minimize the impact on your body.

1. Prevention

Lots of muscles and joints are at work while gardening as it involves a range of motions like sitting, standing, squatting, lifting, leaning, and crouching. Becoming active in your daily life rather than a sedentary lifestyle is a good starting point for flexibility and stronger core muscles to prevent situations like lower back pain and strained shoulders during gardening. For example, one can always include mild activities like brisk walking and yoga in their routines to get your muscles warmed up.

2. Emphasis on correct technique when you’re bending and lifting

Using proper techniques to bend and lift along with warm-up exercises minimizes the impact of gardening on the body.

Undertake gardening keeping the following points in mind to avoid injury:-

  • To avoid strain on the back maintain the natural curves of your spine as you work.
  • Be mindful of the way you kneel. Alleviate pressure by keeping one knee up while positioning the other on the ground and switching them every so often.
  • Avoid sudden twisting and reaching motion.
  • Proper lifting posture needs to be maintained by keeping the object close to the chest.

3. Tools to the rescue

Make things easier for your body and you by making use of gardening tools and accessories. Wheelbarrows and garden carts reduce the pressure of heavy objects on your back and knees and make it easier to lift the excess weight. The need for squatting down can be reduced by making use of raised, elevated beds along with garden stools and benches. These facilitate your body to not make jerky and repetitive motions and thus reducing muscle tension or strain.

4. Do not overburden your body

Make things easier for your body and you by making use of gardening tools and accessories. Wheelbarrows and garden carts reduce the pressure of heavy objects on your back and knees and make it easier to lift the excess weight. The need for squatting down can be reduced by making use of raised, elevated beds along with garden stools and benches. These facilitate your body to not make jerky and repetitive motions and thus reducing muscle tension or strain.Your body will give you signs in the form of pain and discomfort if it has been stretched too far. Listen to these indications and don’t overwork your body. Tackle gardening projects with proper breaks in between and ask for help when needed. stretching after work is important to combat stiffness and soreness.

Gardening is one such activity that connects you with nature but it shouldn’t cost you your health. If you are already dealing with issues like chronic pain, then getting a consultation for neck pain treatment and back pain treatment becomes necessary before indulging in activities like gardening.

Orthocure Clinics house the best physiotherapist in Gurgaon that suggests the usage of a back brace or belt, knee pads to minimize strain while gardening in case of existing discomfort or mild injury. The team of specialists at orthocure employs an all-encompassing approach for solving your muscle and bone-related problems like a slipped disc or shoulder impingement that occurred during gardening.

The musculoskeletal problem is first diagnosed using advanced technology, followed by providing initial pain relief, structural correction, and then recurrence prevention to resolve the root cause of the issue. It is your responsibility to tread cautiously and take good care of your body if you are already suffering from chronic pain. Consult highly skilled orthopedists and physiotherapists available at Orthocure for a better and effective plan of action to manage existing injuries before diving into gardening or injuries inflicted during gardening.


This information should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment as this is for informational purposes only. One must consult their healthcare provider before making any healthcare decisions. Any damage, loss or injury suffered by an individual as a result of reliance on the information contained on this site is neither the responsibility nor the liability of Orthocure Clinics.