Dr Minal Sharma (PT)
Managing Head & Co-Founder
Orthocure Clinics
August 2014-Present
Dr.Minal Sharma is a well-known Physiotherapist with more than 12 years of experience in rendering Back and Neck treatments, Shoulders, Hands, Knees, Ankle & Foot, Fitness and Physiotherapy for other Joints. She holds a Master degree in Physiotherapy and received training on MedX-USA, Spinal Decompression-CDPC,Canada, Posture Analysis-Australia, Functional Movement Training and other New Technologies from India, Florida, Germany and New Zealand.
Dr.Minal is a Certified K-Taping therapist, Germany, and a Certified Dry Needling Therapist. She has also done Postgraduate International Certification in Osteopathy and modified Chiropractic Manual Therapy, Goodrum Seminars in association with IACOPT, England. Further, sha has also undergone a certificate course in Orthopaedic Manual Therapy, Capri Institute of Manual Therapy based on the integrated approach including Mulligan Concept, Rigid Taping and Neurodynamics.
In addition, Dr.Minal has extensive experience in developing and managing new clinics from the start. She has extensive experience in developing Operational Manuals, Standard Operating Procedures, Data Management, MIS Development and Online Marketing of Clinics. She has also extensive experience in development of Marketing Content, Reports and other Marketing Material. She has also completed a course on “Online Marketing – Grow, Systemise and Scale your Practice” from New Zealand and also completed a one year Executive Programme on “Strategy and Leadership for Senior Professional” from IIM – Indore.
Qualification and Experience
- Executive Program in Strategy & Leadership for Senior Professionals-IIM Indore- 2023
- Masters in Physiotherapy- HNBGU- 2010
- Hands on Workshop on Posture Assessment & Correction- 2023
- Posture Analysis & Functional Assessment- Active Rehab Solutions- Australia-2021
- Core & Pelvis Active Rehab Solutions- Australia- 2021
- Hip Active Rehab Solutions- Australia-2021
- Ankle & Foot Rehab Solutions- Australia-2021
- Certificate in SFMA Level-1- FMS- 2020
- Certified KinesioTaping Therapist – Physical Therapy Research & Educational Foundation- 2019
- Certified Kinesiology Taping Therapist- Institute of Kinesiology Taping- 2019
- Certificate in Neuromyoskeletal Dry Needling- Neuro Myoskeletal Techniques- 2019
- Certified Dry Needling Therapist- Dry Needling Academy- 2018
- Workshop on Comprehensive Spinal Adjustment & Manual Therapy- Livefit India- 2015
- Certificate in Scenar- RITM OKB ZAO- Russia- 2017
- Post Graduate Certificate in Advance Postural & Biomechanical Correction- National University of Medical Sciences & English Osteopathic School- UK- 2017
- Certificate in Kinetic Chains & Myokinetic Releases- Physiohelp Institute- 2016
- Certified K-Taping Therapist- KTaping International Academy- Germany- 2015
- Life time Member of Indian Association of Physiotherapist- 2015
- PG Certificate in Modified Chiropractics & Osteopathic Manual Physiotherapy- 2015
- Certificate Course in Orthopaedic Manual Therapy- Capri Institute of Manual Therapy- 2015
- Online Anatomy & Kinesiology Course- Neurokinetic Therapy- 2015
- Certificate in Spinal Decompression Course- Canadian Decompression & Pain Centers- 2014
- Certificate in Bands, Balls & Balance – Theraband Academy-USA- 2014
- Certificate in Medical Exercise Training Program- Regeneration Equipment- University of Florida- 2014