
Back pain can range from a little, dull ache to severe, incapacitating pain. Back pain can limit movement and interfere with regular functioning and quality of life. Immediately seek for medical attention If you are experiencing prolonged discomfort.

Neck discomfort arises in the cervical vertebrae of your neck, and is highly vulnerable because of its mobility and position.
Back and neck pain can be sudden and powerfull. Chronic pain can linger for a longer duration of time, extending to several years.

What are the root causes?

It is difficult to pinpoint the specific source of back and neck discomfort. Back and neck discomfort can be caused by a variety of factors, including any of the following:

  • Obesity, which adds weight to your spine and puts pressure on your discs
  • Pinched nerve and protruding or ruptured disc
  • Ligament or muscle tears caused by a sprain or strain
  • Arthritis is one example of a joint condition.
  • Strains on the muscles and ligaments that support your spine and the consequences of age cause vertebral degeneration.
  • Overuse, excessive exercise, or incorrect use, such as repeated or heavy lifting, are all overuse.
  • Are there any symptoms?

  • Neck pain:
  • -Strong stinging pains in your neck or dull aches
    -Shoulder ache
    -Numbness or tingling in the arms

  • Back Pain:
  • -Sharp, shooting pain radiating from your lower back to your buttocks, down the back of your leg, and into your calf and toes
    -Anywhere throughout your spine, you may have stiffness or achiness.
    -Back pain that is dull, searing, or acute.
    -Numbness or tingling in your legs above or below your knee

    Acute back pain normally improves without any specific therapy. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen will relieve discomfort and allow you to sleep. Surgery and specialised exercises are seldom utilised to treat acute pain.

    Rehabilitation programmes for severe, persistent, or chronic back and neck pain can be tailored to your specific needs. The programme you receive will be determined by the nature and intensity of your pain, injury, or condition. The patient’s and family’s active participation is critical to the success of rehabilitation programmes.

    Back and neck rehabilitation aims to help you manage debilitating pain, recover to your best level of functioning and independence, and improve your overall quality of life. The goal of rehabilitation is to reduce discomfort and improve mobility.

    Pro Tip: If you have tingling or numbness, unbearable pain that does not improve with rest and medicine, trouble in urinating, weakness, discomfort, numbness in your legs, fever, unexpected weight loss, or pain after a fall, consult a health care practitioner.


    Even though neck and back pain is common, many patients don’t seek treatment because they believe their pain is normal. Most don’t realise they have a serious problem until they develop chronic pain. Chronic neck and back pain also causes significant disability, especially in older adults.
    If your back pain persists for an extended time with no signs of improvement, you should consult an Orthocure Doctor, who will give you the finest neck and back pain therapy.