When a sciatic nerve is afflicted, it causes a slipped disc. The sciatic nerve runs from the pelvis straight through the hips and up to your feet. It is the largest nerve in the body and causes severe pain and even numbness when affected. A slipped disc is also called a herniated disc or prolapsed disc. When the discs are ruptured, it leads to the gel inside the bone leak and causes excruciating pain in the back and surrounding areas. At Orthocure, we will share how ignoring a slipped disc can cause chronic backbone issues and how you can treat it.


The symptoms of a slipped disc can differ depending on its location and severity. Usually, back scans do not quite work to determine whether your back pain is coming from a disc problem, as discs change as you age and with use. Nevertheless, several symptoms may include:

  • Back pain
  • Heightened back pain when bending repetitively or with extensive sitting hours
  • Numbness, pain, or pins-and-needles radiating into your leg or arm is a disc causing irritation of a nearby nerve.
  • Increased pain in the back when you cough, laugh, sneeze, or strain.

Causes Of A Prolapsed Disc

A misplacement of the disc can be caused by a leak in the bone when your disc is ruptured. There are several other causes, such as:

  • A fall, a back injury, or a car accident
  • Smoking
  • Overweight
  • Wrong postures
  • Heavy weight lifting
  • Long hours of sitting for work
  • Older age
  • Lack of fitness
  • Diabetes

In such situations, our physiotherapists can suggest the best treatments or minimally invasive surgery in severe cases.


If you are uncertain about your condition, then your medical history and symptoms can reveal your case of a slipped disc. Your orthopaedic doctor will also conduct a physical exam to check your movement responses, ability to walk, muscle strength, and limb sensation. The treatment is planned only after this

Treatment For Disc Issues

The majority of disc issues will resolve over time, irrespective of the treatment, just like soft tissue sprains in other body parts. You may get some relief by taking short-term bed rest, as it will help manage critical sciatica. Nevertheless, you can still stay active, of course, with several restrictions, depending on your level of pain. Treatments that can be used for pain relief are as follows:

  • Heat treatment (for instance, hot packs and heat wraps)
  • An exercise schedule created to enhance flexibility, strength, and fitness
  • Increasing activity levels gradually within pain limits
  • Pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory medication

You can also treat sciatica pain with an anti-inflammatory steroid injection into the area of the affected spinal nerve.

Chronic back pain can get worse if not treated on time. So, get in touch with Orthocure today, and our therapists and doctors will recommend the best course of treatment for your condition. Get rid of that ming-numbing, irritable pain with Orthocure.