Knee and Hip Treatment & Management
Only Clinic in India where Orthopaedists, Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Fitness and Foot Orthotics experts work together under one roof to make you better.
Orthocure’s Knee Treatment & Strengthening Program
Integrated Approach
Orthocure is the only clinic in India where you can get the multidisplinary team with high level of professional approach, consisting of Muscoloskeletal Therapists, Sports Therapists, Orthopaedics Doctors with International Chiropractitioner under oneroof. Our staff and team approach will be there in every step of the way to ensure that you receive the care you need.
Hip and Knee Pain
These both joints are commonly affected in day to day life. These are the largest joints that mainly support the body weight, which provide the mobility. Mostly people take these joint as granted until they suffered from any injury, arthritis or other problem.
Depending on the cause of your pain, our highly skilled therapists will assess your pain and discomfort then will give the solution, might be as a set of exercises, pain relief, corrections of misalignment, taping , muscle releases or combination of these.
Area’s we work on
At Orthocure we work on a complete 360 degree approach to tackle each and every aspect of your Knee & Hip.

Patient Success Stories for Knee & Hip
Complaints & Symptoms: Patient c/o pain in left knee Pain started during the training of spinning in . Pain gets aggravated from jumping, front lunge and lifting heavy weight.
Protocols Followed: Soft tissue release followed by cold pack and physiotherapy modalities and home exercises.
Patient Condition on completion of treatment: Decrease in pain in the knee as well as now he can do all the activities painfree which once aggravated his pain
Dr. Agarwal was nice and she explained everything about the injury I had. Her treatment was really helpful and now I can do all my activities easily. I am recovering day by day. Thanks.
Right Periarthritis shoulder, Right Hip joint and Left Knee joint arthritis
Complaints & Symptoms: 1.pain in the right shoulder joint with difficulty sleeping on the right side. Night pain with disturbed sleep and also pain in overhead activities. 2. Pain in the right hip joint and left knee joint on movement after a rest pause.
Protocols Followed: Maitland and Mulligans mobilization for the right shoulder and Mulligans for the right hip and left knee joint. Strength training with therabands and weights.
Patient Condition on completion of treatment: No night pain with full ROM in all the joints. Is able to walk and move painfree.
After trying the Physiotherapy centers around Gurgaon, I finally came to Orthocure, highly recommended by a friend. I came to the center with the following joints having pain and movement restrictions. I would rate them on the pain scale of 0 to 10 as-
a. Right shoulder joint- 8/10
b. Right Hip joint- 9/10
Left Knee joint-9/10
I was impressed with the professionalism of the staff. Dr. Meeta Nanda diagnosed the problems very accurately. She started with the treatments gradually increasing the intensity of each exercise. I was impressed with her knowledge of the subject which gave me the much required confidence. She conducted the exercises very methodically showing her personal commitment and interest. I think she is an asset to Orthocure.
As a result, now the condition of my joints is as follows-
a. Right shoulder- 2/10
b. Right Hip joint- 1/10
c. Left Knee joint- 1/10
I will not hesitate in recommending Orthocure to all my family and friends who may need any kind of Physiotherapy treatment.
Complaints & Symptoms: Knee Pain, Difficulty in walking, Difficulty in performing ADLs.
Protocols Followed: Hot Pack, Matrix, Manual releases, Chiro adjustments, Laser, Exercises.
Patient Condition on completion of treatment: Patient was able to walk pain free without any aids and ADLs were performed without any difficulty.
I am very happy with the treatment that I received here. Hope orthocure flourishes with success.
ACL tear
Complaints & Symptoms: Scared to use the knee accompanied with knee pain.
Protocols Followed: Hot Pack,Manual releases, Chiro adjustments, Matrix,Laser, Exercises.
The treatment that I received here was something that gave me relief and confidence. I am very happy with the treatment I received.
Treatment Tools
DN utilizes acupuncture needles to treat pain and dysfunction from a different perspective than traditional acupuncture. In this treatment, an injector tube is used with the needles to allow for enhanced accuracy and depth of needle penetration in areas of tissue shortening or thickening.
We focus on a very specific form of chiropractic called structural correction. Our focus is to restore your body back to your normal structure.
Cupping Therapy can be very relaxing and help to reduce pain, soreness and muscular restrictions, scars and adhesions, to decrease swelling, increase range of motion.
The tape is applied directly to your skin in to maintain a stable position of bones, joints and/or muscles during your daily activities, or to provide feedback to your body to assist with muscle retraining, joint protection and pain reduction. Taping can also be used to help reduce swelling in injured tissue and alignment correction.
Movement has the benefit of enhancing blood supply to a region that may be very stiff and painful. Your therapist can gently move your joints in ways that you are unable to. These passive mobilizations are performed by your physiotherapist in a gentle rhythmic fashion and have a significant influence on calming pain pathways and reducing muscle tone.
There are variety of manual treatments on your muscles, fascia (the fibrous connective tissue around muscles) and skin, including trigger point treatment, stretching and connective tissue release.
Our goal is to provide instruction on movement and strengthening that is specific to both your body and your condition. People with injuries and painful conditions require a thorough assessment prior to exercising. Knowledge and understanding of the causes of your injury is necessary to prescribe movement and activity that will benefit you and not worsen your condition.
An important part of any treatment program is patient education. Our therapists want to empower you to participate in improving your function and mobility. By providing you with evidence-based information about your condition and your treatments, our therapist will enable you to contribute to your own ongoing best and movement.
What makes our Hip & Knee Treatment Program so effective?
The chiropractic adjustments focused on the diagnosis and treatment of neuromuscular disorders, through manual adjustment and manipulation of the spine.
The chiropractors seek to reduce pain and improve the functionality of patients as well as to educate them on how they can account for their own via exercise, ergonomics and other therapies to treat back pain.
Our highly skilled Chiropractorfocuson the intimate relationship between the nervous system and spine, and hold true the following beliefs:
- Biomechanical and structural derangement of the spine can affect the nervous system
- For many conditions, chiropractic treatment can restore the structural integrity of the spine, reduce pressure on the sensitive neurological tissue, and consequently improve the of the individual.
The Regenerative Orthopaedics program is a multidisciplinary team taking a holistic approach to regenerative medicine for the repair of musculoskeletal traumatic injuries and degeneration. These procedures are capable of fortifying and healing injuries to the skeleton, muscle, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and other soft tissues in the body. We employ personalized treatment methods utilizing your body’s own recuperative systems to correct orthopedic injuries while avoiding surgery.
Knee & Hip Pain
Knee joint is the main weight bearing joint of the body along with hips and ankle. It is a complex joint having freedom of bending and straightening with some degree of twisting and rotation. It is supported by muscles, ligaments, tendons, meniscus and joint capsule. You can develop knee pain at any point of your life if you don’t take care of it and the risk factors which increase the probability of you developing pain are excessive weight, lack of muscular strength and flexibility, faulty foot alignment and certain high impact sports and dance.
Now of we talk about pain around the knee joint, it can be caused by various reasons. To list a few are:
- Degenerative changes with age- like OA knee.
- Sports related injuries- like ligamental injuries, torn meniscus, bursitis, dislocation etc..
- Overuse injuries- like iliotibial band syndrome, chondromalacia patella bursitis, tendinitis etc.
- Misalignment- like faulty foot positioning etc.
What can be felt?
- Pain on the inside or outside of knee
- stiffness
- Tenderness.
- Swelling.
- Difficulty to bend the knee.
- Difficulty in sitting on lower surfaces or getting up from low seating.
- Pain while walking.
- Pain during ascend or descend of stairs.
- Click or popping sound in knee movements.
- Knee feeling if giving way while walking.
- Weakness and instability.
How can it be prevented?
- Keep a check on your weight as additional pounds put more strain on your joints.
- If you engage yourself in high impact activities get your functional screening first to check whether your body is supporting those activities or not.
- Do regular stretches.
- Do balance strength and stability training exercises as been prescribed.
- If you have knee swelling do cold packs regularly till it settles.
- If you have knee stiffness do hot packs regularly.
- You can apply any pain relieving gel to give you relief from pain but do not massage with pressure on the top of knee joint.
- Invest in good quality insoles and footwear, it’s a MUST!
- Do ankle foot movements several times a day if you are old or sit for long hours.
- Epsom salt dips in hot/cold water do wonders in treating knee pain.
- Invest in a good quality home TENS unit for faster and better recovery from pain and discomfort.
- Wear a knee sleeve or support in case you cant avoid the movement.
How it can be prevented?
Injury or trauma to knee can cause pain but knee pain can also occur without injury. It can also build up gradually due to arthritic changes kicking in, problem in your foot or muscular imbalances. It is usually accompanied by stiffness, swelling or discomfort in day to day activities.
When do i need to see a for knee pain?
You need to see a for knee pain in case you have
- Problem in day to day activities- ascending descending stairs, sit to stand etc.
- A of injury, fall or twist
- Swelling, redness or warmth
- Pain
- Inability to weight on painful knee
Does knee pain require surgery?
Non-surgical or conservative treatments are often successful if taken at the correct point of time. Knee surgery for knee pain is usually considered in case there is:
- Ligament or meniscal injuries due to twisting or sporting activities, though the choice depends on the grade of tear
- Grade 3 arthritis
- Instability or giving way
- Fracture
How can i get relief from knee pain?
Knee pain can be managed with conservative physiotherapy treatment and exercises including at home care which can give you some relief. Some steps to follow are:
- P: PROTECTION- with knee brace/ Kinesio-taping to restrict the motion
- R: REST- for 2-3 days or till the signs of inflammation are resolved
- I: ICE- for 10-15 mins 3-4 times/day in a day to minimize further injury and reduce signs of inflammation.
- C: COMPRESSION- Crepe bandage/ Space Kinesiotaping to enhance the fluid movement.
- E: ELEVATION- Keep 2-3 pillows under the leg to enhance the fluid movement and reduce swelling.
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
- Regular physical activities, weight bearing exercises and weight reduction.
- If no relief is attained then consult your therapist and physician for further management
Will the knee pain go away if i rest for a few days?
In you have no of twisting or sports injury the knee pain can go with the above steps and incorporating regular strengthening and stretching exercises for your knee, but knee pain as a result of injuries may require longer treatment. Consult your therapist or physician if it takes longer or no relief is there.
Which specialist can cure knee pain?
For knee pain you can consult an Orthopaedician, Physiotherapist, Chiropractor or an Osteopath.
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Not every bone and muscle condition
needs a surgery!
Our 4 Point protocols and international medical equipment helps us in bringing accuracy and rectifying your problem with our regular exercise plans without any surgery. Consult the best Orthopaedics supported by experienced Physiotherapists and a Chiropractor for your bone and muscle conditions.
India's 1st chain of specialty clinics for Orthopaedic problems
Feel Free to contact us
After we get some information from you, we’ll set up a time to discuss your issue in further detail.
How to contact us
If you’ve got questions or queries you would like to share, send a
message. For anything more specific, please use one of our addresses.
2 locations all over Gurgaon
Your friendly neighborhood Clinic for all bone and muscle conditions
DLF Phase – V
Nirvana Country

Our unique 4 point protocol allows for an all round approach.
We start with the right diagnostics, and then proceed to initial pain relief and structural corrections to treat the condition of the root cause of the ailment.