Introduction: The bone fracture.
The dreaded bone fracture. What is a bone fracture and why should you be concerned? A bone fracture while seemingly entering the common perception and knowledge is an intricate phenomena and provision for this among orthopaedics remains specialised. Put simply, a fracture in the bone occurs when the bone cracks/breaks due to reasons such as accidents, falls, or medical conditions leading to weakening, degeneration of bones and bone tissue, and some bone fractures may result in common symptoms such as lower back pain as well.
Fractures range on a spectrum. The types of fractures as are usually categorised:
- Compound fracture: Also known as an open fracture, the occurrence of this type of fracture is diagnosed when the bone protrudes through the skin and is left exposed. There is a creation of an open wound with a compound fracture.
- Closed fracture: In a closed fracture, the bone is not exposed. The fracture does not have an identifiable associated open wound with it. The resulting fracture is thus contained inside and within the body.
- Displaced fracture: Typically occurs due to the bone fragments on either side of a bone being misaligned. The resultant effect gravely interferes with the healing process, and realignment is required in order to facilitate healing.
- Non displaced fracture: In a non displaced fracture there is proper and requisite alignment within the bones, but the break exists. In general this is a fracture where the recovery and healing is quicker than for displaced fractures.
Back pain treatment: Symptoms associated with a bone fracture:
Symptoms associated with bone fractures:
The symptoms associated with the bone fractures are typically varying on the exact type of fracture, and conditions around it.
- Pain: Pain is usually the most commonly reported symptoms of fractures. Typically rhe pain is concentrated around the site of the fracture injury.
- Reduction in mobility/movement: Typically with fractures there is always an associated reduction in mobility/movement of the affected region/limb.
- Swelling: The region around the fracture may develop swelling and bruising.
Bone fracture repair: An introduction.
Bone fracture repair is a surgical procedure typically utilised for repairing fractures and is an elaborate procedure that typically requires.
Knee replacement ACL reconstruction: Why is bone fracture repair carried out? Essentially the procedure is carried out in order to heal fractures that cannot heal simply through the use of cast and splinting. Bone fracture repair in itself is the procedure that lasts for a few hours, and anaesthesia is provided to the patient. A bone graft may be among recommendations if the bone is shattered into multiple fragments during the original injury.
Any damaged blood vessels are then repaired during the bone fracture repair procedure.
Effective therapies and exercises for treatment of back and knee pain.
Ankle arthroscopy: Back and knee pain can be a debilitating condition for many. It can also underlie or result from the cause of some orthopaedic condition.
- Stretching exercises: Various stretching exercises are typically utilised to target muscles, joints, ligaments. Stretching in general impacts your muscles and tissues.
It enhances flexibility as well as the range of motion - Mild to moderate Exercise
- Hot water bags
- Yoga
- Mild jogging
- Massage
- TENS and electrical stimulation:
- Diets in order to reduce pain
- Physiotherapy.
The blog above aims to provide a general overview as well as treatment options for the different types of bone fractures, and their effective treatment methods. Orthocure is a gurgaon based orthopaedic clinic specialising in your musculoskeletal and orthopaedic health, encompassing bone fractures.