Every day, millions of individuals are affected by back pain.
And this condition can curtail your quality of life, so it is necessary to get it checked to determine the cause and begin proper treatment if you experience back pain or suspect something is wrong with your spine.
Let’s discuss some of the measures one can take to prevent spinal problems.
Good posture is the key to safe and healthy spine:
- Standing posture:

- Sitting posture:

- Lying/ sleeping posture:

- Refrain yourself from heavy weight lifting: Individuals suffering from back/neck pain should not lift heavy weights, in emergency weights should be lifted in a certain pattern.

- Core Muscle strengthening exercises:
- What is core?
Core is a box with abdominals in the front, the paraspinals and gluteal in the back, the diaphragm as the roof and the pelvic floor and hip girdle musculature as the bottom.
- Why it is important to strengthen core muscles?
Your core stabilizes the body, enabling you to step in every direction and maintain balance, helps to avoid falls and protects the body, If core is not firm, the body may have to work harder to support other components of the back.
- Advance Physiotherapy management:
- Spinal decompression:
Nonsurgical decompression is a motorized traction that may help relieve back /neck pain and their radiating symptoms. It works by gently stretching the spine, hence creating a negative pressure in the disc, resulting in taking pressure off from the nerves.
- Dry needling: Dry needling is a technique that has been used for reducing low back pain by releasing myofascial trigger points.
- Cupping Therapy: Cupping therapy is non- invasive technique which is very effective in releasing multiple trigger points, quickly and accurately.
- Kinesio taping: Taping can help relieve pain, inflammation, and spasms associated with sciatic nerve pain. Taping when applied can relax tensed muscles.
- Medex Treatment: Medex treatment is unique as it isolates core back/neck muscles and then strengthen them by placing actual loads under medical supervision. It resolves the back/neck pain from its roots thereby giving relief from pain and prevent recurrence.
For more information feel free to connect Orthocure clinics, Gurgaon.