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Spondylitis is arthritis of the joints and vertebrae of our spine resulting in inflammation and stiffness starting from the neck till your back. The main type of spondylitis is ankylosing spondylitis. It affects your whole spine and other parts of the body as well. There is no cure for this but proper medications, regular exercises and an active lifestyle could help combat the condition and make you live a near-normal lifestyle.

  • Stiffness in your back and neck which is more or less continuous.
  • A rigid spine which is hunched forwards.
  • Difficulty in bending the spine.
  • Pain in TMJ, neck, back, hips, heels and soles of the feet.
  • Straightening of normal curvatures of the spine.
  • Eye might feel red, swollen up or painful.
  • Sensitivity to light.
  • Tiredness.
  • Fatigue.
  • Difficulty in taking deep breaths.
  • X-ray/MRI
  • Blood Tests
  • General Examination by a physician
    • Lead an active lifestyle.
    • Do 30-45 mins of exercises daily.
    • Swimming helps a lot.
    • Maintain a healthy weight, eat just right.
    • Manage stress
    • Do yoga, meditation etc.
    • Do hot fomentation on stiff muscles and joints.
    • In case the joints feel tender, increase warmth or swollen do cold packs.
    • Contact your physiotherapist for customised set of exercise plans specific to your condition and stage to strengthen weak muscles and stretch tight muscles.

    For anything Orthopaedic, reach an
    Orthocure Clinic near you

    Our 4 Point protocols and international medical equipment helps us in bringing accuracy and rectifying your problem with our regular exercise plans without any surgery. Consult the best Orthopaedics supported by experienced Physiotherapists and a Chiropractor for your bone and muscle conditions.

    We provide 360 degree solutions for your condition

    Our unique 4 point protocol allows for an all round approach.

    We start with the right diagnostics, and then proceed to initial pain relief and structural corrections to treat the condition of the root cause of the ailment.

    Diagnostic Test

    Initial Pain


    Maintenance &

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