
Arthritis is a condition where inflammation damages the joint cartilage or bones. Aching joints, stiff muscles, and soreness throughout your body are common symptoms of arthritis pain. There are several types of arthritis pain, each with its causes and treatments. Learn more about the different kinds of arthritis pain and how to treat them effectively.


Osteoarthritis takes place when the cartilage between two bones wears down over time. It is a degenerative condition that affects the entire joint. The fluid and the protecting cartilage gradually deteriorate, making joint movement uncomfortable and challenging. A joint’s bones may eventually come into direct contact with one another, resulting in excruciating discomfort. OA, which most frequently impacts the knees, hips, hands, and spine, is a condition that also involves inflammation.
Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) are prescribed to reduce pain and inflammation. If pain is extreme and constant, consult your doctor for other medications and therapies. In many severe cases, replacing the affected joint with surgery is the only treatment.

Rheumatoid arthritis-

Rheumatoid arthritis affects the synovial membrane, causing swelling and joint pain. RA occurs when there is a malfunctioning in the immune system of the body and attacks the body’s joints. In individuals with autoimmune disorders like RA, inflammation becomes too active and targets healthy tissue, such as the synovium and the lining of the joints. It affects the parallel joints of the body like the knee and joints. Medications like disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) and biologics are used to ease the pain.

Psoriatic Arthritis

Just like RA, it is an autoimmune inflammatory disease. In PA, the immune system attacks the skin and joints, leading to skin rashes and pain. The inflammation attacks the heels and the lower back, especially tendons attached to bones. DMARDs, biologics and dermatological treatment are prescribed to ease the pain and skin rashes.


This disease affects the central nervous system, including the spinal cord. Pain signals are super active in the patients, which means mild pain can be excruciating for them. Medications include antidepressants, and anticonvulsants are prescribed targeting neurochemicals.


Gout generates a high level of uric acid that causes painful joint inflammation. Initially, the disease is treated with NSAIDs, corticosteroids and colchicine.


This complicated autoimmune inflammatory disease impacts the blood, brain, joints, kidneys, skin, and other organs. Other symptoms include fatigue, hair loss, sensitivity to light, fever, rash, joint discomfort, migraines, and chest pain. It can also result in kidney issues. Prescribed medicines for Lupus are NSAIDs, DMARDs, and corticosteroids. Belimumab and anifrolumab are specifically approved medicines.

To treat best medicine for arthritis pain Gurgaon , your doctor may recommend over-the-counter medications or prescription drugs. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and naproxen are often prescribed for mild to moderate pain. These drugs reduce pain and inflammation. More severe cases require stronger medication, such as steroids.

Arthritis pain can range from mild to severe. The pain symptoms depend on the type of arthritis and its severity. Some types of arthritis cause joint inflammation, whereas some don’t.


Different types of Arthritis cause different pain and affect the body. For in-depth knowledge and treatment consultation, Orthocure Clinic is a one-stop solution to all your bone health and muscle-related problems. Our approach is to provide personalised treatment to help you recover. Book your appointment at the best clinic in Gurgaon.