Introduction : A small habit which we may not observe, or pay much attention to is how when we wake up in the morning, the first thing we do instinctively is to stretch our body. During our sleep, when our body isn’t active, our muscles lose tone and fluids tone along our back.

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And so stretching acts as a great tool to massage our back and even acts as just the right transition from sleep to wakefulness which helps us in feeling fresh throughout the day.

Morning stretch routines help in working out any stiffness or tightness in our muscles and joints that is caused by laying down in bed for an extended amount of time in a single position. And so in the long term, this helps in retaining mobility and flexibility.

Now it becomes essential to incorporate stretching in our daily routine, because it keeps our muscles flexible, strong and healthy and flexibility is extremely crucial in maintaining the range of motions in our joints. Without stretching our muscles, shorten and become tight. And so when we require our muscles for any physical activity, they become weak and are not able to extend all the way. Which is why so many young adults experience joint pain, strain and muscle damage.

As we already know, as we get older our body has a tendency to degenerate and hence our tenders get stiffer as we age. Which is why, over a period of time we see natural decrease in our flexibility.

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Neither of us like to age early and wish to be as active and fit for as long as we can. But the harsh truth is that as we age, we lose our skin’s elasticity, muscle tone and bone density. Now while we cannot stop the aging process, we can work on slowing it down. Which is why stretching becomes so very important as it contributes in maintaining joint flexibility especially as we age. Hence it becomes important to maintain that flexibility because if we stop moving it negatively impacts the quality of our life and doing any type of physical activity.

Incorporating stretching in our daily routine can be pretty easy and can be done at the comfort of our home. And it hardly takes 10 minutes. Of course doing it once a week is not going to help much. The best way to make the most of it is by doing it on a daily basis. It can be done, either as the first activity you start your day with or the last activity right before heading to sleep. But the result won’t just show in the first day or so. It takes upto a month for any routine, to become a habit and for positive changes to start showing signs in our body. But as it becomes ingrained in our daily life, we won’t even notice the positive effects and before we know it, this will become a daily fun habit to look forward to everyday.

Conclusion : While stretching is an important routine, not doing it for a long time can cause muscle stiffness. Orthocure not only treats the muscle stiffness but also teaches some easy stretching exercises which can be easily practiced at the comfort of home.