At Orthocure Clinics, we are proud to offer Chiropractic Care. Chiropractors are exclusive to Orthocure Clinics in Gurgaon. We are only one of less than a dozen chiropractic clinics across India, and the only one with multidisciplinary health team consisting of orthopaedic specialists, advanced physiotherapists and Chiropractors working in synergy as a team to ensure you get the best results possible. Our Chiropractors are foreign doctors from Europe and North America. They bring a vast array of unique and innovative methods with them that ensure successful outcomes. To ensure excellence in execution and clinical outcomes, Orthocure is partnered with Intelligent Health Group, a Canadian based Chiropractic and multi-disciplinary group to ensure our protocols are cutting edge and yield success

What is a chiropractor?

A Doctor of Chiropractic is neuromusculoskeletal specialist with specialization in spinal disorders who treats the patient using advanced chiropractic adjustments either manually or with a chiropractic adjuster.

Chiropractic Health Care is a practice that dates to 125 years. It was discovered after a deaf man began to hear after treatment to his neck!

Chiropractors go through a great deal of education and training to get their Doctor of Chiropractor degree. This education involves a 4-years program including residency after a 3-4 years university program.

How can a chiropractor help you?

Physical, chemical and emotional stresses build up in the human body and manifest in the spine as an area of extreme tension and stress, this is called vertebral subluxation complex (VSC). This is where joints in our spine lose their normal movement and alignment, creating abnormal pressure on the nerve that exits that level and initiates stress hormone, cortisol, to be released into our body. The weight equivalent to that of a small coin on a nerve can reduce the nerves flow by 60%!  If the joint has locked out of proper alignment, nerve flow from the brain, down the spine, out to the organs and body will be reduced, and our health decreases. High cortisol levels, shut down our immune system, gastrointestinal system, and reproductive systems first, followed by other body systems causing sickness, pain and other symptoms. If the brain communicates better with the rest of the body and gives it proper instruction as it is designed to, your body works better!  It is the secret to improving every aspect of your health and well-being.

There is a tremendous amount of research proving chiropractic improves every aspect of your health, by increasing the nervous system function.

How does a chiropractor treat a patient?

Chiropractors are specially trained to diagnose and treat all nerve, muscle, tissue, and joint problems arising from the spine. This is done through a highly specific, safe and effective treatment called the “chiropractic adjustment”. The adjustment is a gentle yet specific movement into a spinal joint that has lost its normal motion. Treatments can be done through mechanical instruments or by hand. The chiropractic treatment is unlike any other and can only be done with extensive training. Unfortunately, patients will not know that they have subluxations as they are often painless. Only when the body can no longer cope, symptoms begin to get noticed.

Chiropractic is useful for pain relief and wellness care. It is both curative and preventive. As dental checkups and cleaning are necessary for the prevention of tooth decay, regular, periodic adjustments prevent spinal decay. Everyone with a spine needs chiropractic.

What are the conditions treated by a chiropractor?

Chiropractors are known best for treating

  • Neck pain
  • Low back pain
  • Ankle Injury
  • Sciatica
  • Spinal disorders
  • Orthopaedic problems
  • Radiating pain…etc.

However, the benefits of care have a global effect, improving your overall health by enhancing your nervous system function.

Why choose Orthocure Clinic for getting treated by a Chiropractor in Gurgaon & India?

As of this moment we are the only facility to provide genuine Chiropractor in Gurgaon.

Orthocure is the only multidisciplinary clinic of its kind in India, where Orthopedic specialists and advanced physiotherapists work alongside Doctor of Chiropractic.

We provide 360 degree solutions for your condition

Our unique 4 point protocol allows for an all round approach.

We start with the right diagnostics, and then proceed to initial pain relief and structural corrections to treat the condition of the root cause of the ailment.

Diagnostic Test

Initial Pain


Maintenance &

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