The Happening of Tennis Elbow Pain

Tennis elbow is the swelling up of or inflammation of the elbow or tendons that join the forearm muscles. It generally happens due to excessive strain on the elbow, such as due to repetitive exertion on the elbow such as lighting of heavy items. Tennis elbow pain is not specific to just tennis players, however it started in history in 1883 as an ailment / pain to tennis player participants, then called “lawn-tennis elbow”. Tennis elbow pain can happen to anyone depending on a person’s physical background, physical activities, nature of work etc. Tennis elbow treatment is becoming more common over time. 

The Best Tennis Elbow Treatment

The best tennis elbow treatment is possible with the leading Doctors / Physiotherapists / Chiropractor at the Orthocure chain of clinics in Gurgaon. It has the latest medical equipment that is ultimate in tennis elbow treatment and manufactured by leading medical equipment company, MedX. The Doctors, Physiotherapists and Chiropractor at Orthocure are the best in the medical industry. The Doctors diagnose and examine the causes and problem of the elbow pain, followed by proper explanation and timeline of the tennis elbow treatment. 

Who Carries Out Elbow Pain Treatment

The Doctors, Physiotherapists and Chiropractor are very well known as pioneering medical practitioners in the industry who carry out the best tennis elbow treatment; Orthocure is a one stop destination to avail the tennis elbow treatment with such top the line practitioners. 

Where can One get Tennis Elbow Treatment Done

A patient may choose to visit any of the Orthocure chain of clinics in Gurgoan as per his/her convenience of location and proximity. Each of the clinics are well equipped and have the same high-quality of tennis elbow treatment done. 

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)?

The phenomenon or condition of numbness, stiffness, insensitivity, weakening occurring on the hand is called and related to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It is also called median nerve compression. If Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is not attended to or treated in time, it can lead to deeper severity and cause further damage to the arm or hand, and it can take a much longer time for cure / recovery at an advanced stage of this ailment.  

How does Carpal Tunnel Syndrome happen?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome happens due to pressing or compression of the nerves in the hand area. It can happen due to nerve compression at any point from the forearm to the palm of the hand area. 

The Cures for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

To get the best cure for carpal tunnel syndrome is to reach a renowned certified Doctor, Physiotherapist or Chiropractor like at Orthocure. The diagnosis and treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can be rapid but can also take time over months depending on the patient’s condition, age etc. Physical examination of the patient is a key factor for any Doctor, Physiotherapist or Chiropractor, which determines the way forward towards the treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. 

How can One Reach Orthocure – the Best Destination for Tennis Elbow Pain and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

In the critical times of Coronavirus, COVID-19, the Orthocure clinics are well sanitized every hour and repeatedly done after the visit of every visitor to the Orthocure clinic premises. Wearing of protective gear by staff is mandatory.

One may open Orthocure website to get the directions to any of the conveniently located chain of clinics. It is the number 1 chain of specialty clinics in Gurgaon for orthopedic problems. One may go through the encouraging and best testimonials by patients on their successful treatments and great experiences. The website also tells about the variety of medical treatments, and the Doctors’ profiles, years of experience, qualifications etc. It is also useful to set an appointment, however, for immediate information or quick response, please call at +91 – 9821451214.


This information should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment as this is for informational purposes only. One must consult their healthcare provider before making any healthcare decisions. Any damage, loss or injury suffered by an individual as a result of reliance on the information contained on this site is neither the responsibility nor the liability of Orthocure Clinics.