Sedentary lifestyle or inactivity in physical activities and improper postural habits leads to faulty changes in skeletal and muscular structures. Rounded Shoulder is defined as a posture where shoulders are protracted and get misaligned with spine and comes in front of the line of gravity. If left untreated it could result in Kyphotic Posture, Forward head neck posture, chronic neck pain and many more.

Improving posture along with strengthening and stretching may help in alleviating the condition. Following are some tips to improve your posture:

  • SAY NO TO SLOUCHING- Sofa and bed sitting due to cushiony surfaces induces slouching, hence should be avoided.
  • Practice sitting with neutral Spine- Sit on a firm chair, Hips all the way back, Hip knee angle should be 90-90, Feet should rest on ground ( no crossed leg sitting). USE LUMBAR SUPPORT at the back.
  • Postural breaks- Always set reminders. Always take some movement break. For instance if you are sitting for 30 minutes continuously get up from chair and walk or do some stretches.
  • Stand upright- Stand straight with shoulders relaxed but retracted. Feet widely apart, knee slightly bent stomach to be tucked in. Weight of your body should be evenly distributed on both legs.
  • NO to leaning- Leaning forward over keyboard or poking your neck will result in poor posture. Working area should be ergonomically designed.
  • Ergonomic work station- Pull your straight firm chair with good lumbar support into your desk. Laptop stand is always advisable or monitor screen should be placed at eye level, forearm to be rested on table, feet on ground. Mouse to be conveniently placed nearby.
  • Practice scapular retractions- Pull your shoulder blades together towards spine and hold this position for 10 seconds. REPEAT.
  • Chin tucks- Every 2 hourly chin tucks are advisable. This will help in relieving neck muscles and will prevent from tension headaches and forward head neck posture.(To be done only in sitting)
  • Breathing- Poor posture affects normal breathing and makes it shallow. Deep breathing exercise to be practiced. Take deep breath from nose you should feel abdomen expansion, Hold and then breathe out through mouth. REPEAT.
  • EXERCISE- Strengthening of weak muscles and Stretching of tight muscle under proper guidance will be like addressing the root cause problem.

Few stretches are as follows

Corner stretch:

  • Face the corner of the room
  • Place each forearm on each wall with elbows supported on wall
  • Stand at a distance of 2-3 feet from wall
  • Lean forward, chin to be straight. Good stretch to be felt on chest and shoulders
  • Hold for 20 seconds, 2 repetitions

Upper trapezius stretch:

  • Sit upright
  • Place one hand straight (grasp the edge of the chair)
  • Other hand over the head, pulling your head gently from the palm to opposite side of the arm grabbing the chair
  • Hold for 20 seconds, 2 repetitions

Levator Scapulae stretch:

  • Sit upright
  • Place one hand straight(grasp the edge of the chair)
  • Tuck your chin towards the chest as if looking into your pocket
  • With other hand pull your head in downward direction very gently
  • Hold for 20 seconds, 2 repetitions

Few strengthening exercise are as follows:


  • Place your forearm on the floor and elbow below the shoulder, arm parallel to the body
  • Palms to be placed flat or hands to be clasped
  • Come over your toes
  • Lift your whole body up
  • Hold the position for 20 seconds

Opening out:

  • Stand upright
  • Hold both the ends of theraband from both the hands
  • Thumbs in outward direction
  • Squeeze your scapular blades
  • Stretch theraband
  • Hold for 10 seconds

Seated Rows:

  • Sit on floor, both the legs to be straight
  • Tie theraband your feet with end in each hand
  • Squeeze the shoulder blades together
  • Pull the band ends closer to body
  • Elbows to be 90-90.

For long term effects:

  • Keep check on your posture every now and then and take corrective measures.
  • Follow a training plan under the guidance of physiotherapists that will ensure that there will be no muscular imbalances and you are working on right muscles in a right way.


This information should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment as this is for informational purposes only. One must consult their healthcare provider before making any healthcare decisions. Any damage, loss or injury suffered by an individual as a result of reliance on the information contained on this site is neither the responsibility nor the liability of Orthocure Clinics.