Most patients with arthritis can be treated without surgery because arthritis treatment is planned to manage the disease, mitigate pain, maintain the functioning of the body to perform daily life activities. Non-surgical treatments work at increasing the quality of life by reducing pain. 

There is no cure for arthritis as such but there are medicines that can help to decrease symptoms and slow down the progress of the disease. You can visit an orthocure for the best treatment, The medication recommended by our specialized team of doctors is primarily based on your medical condition, age, other drugs you currently take, safety, cost, and your preference. At orthocure, you are guaranteed the best treatment for arthritis including back pain treatment, and any other pain related to joints and muscles is treated using advanced technology. 

We are going to discuss Non-surgical approaches to arthritis, let’s get started:- 


  1. Physical Therapy and Exercise:- Along with the right medicines recommended by your doctor, you can find great relief from physical therapy and exercise. The former focuses on alleviating the pain followed by better functioning of the body and work towards the wellness and fitness of the body. Being a patient of arthritis, you will be recommended to visit a physiotherapist that will give appropriate physical treatment along with that he will develop an exercise routine for you after consulting your doctor about your medical condition. 
  • Proper Exercises can aid arthritis patients in numerous ways. It decreases the pain in joints, reduces stiffness, and boosts the flexibility of the body by extending muscle strength and energy. Exercise also helps you to reduce the extra weight as more kgs can put extra pressure on the joints. 

You will be recommended the following exercises:- 

  • Range-of-motion exercises:  You can perform these types of exercises daily to reduce pain and stiffness. These help to enhance the flexibility of the body. 
  • Strengthening exercises: To boost muscle strength, you can do these types of exercises daily too only if the pain is not severe. The therapist will guide you to perform these exercises properly so that you don’t end up hurting yourself. 
  • Endurance or aerobic exercises: You will be suggested to perform endurance or aerobic exercises 3 times a week for the wellness of cardiovascular and to manage weight. Walking falls into this category. 
  1. Other than physical treatments and exercises, other therapies are used to treat arthritis pain. 


  • Heat therapy: To increase blood circulation and in order to relax the tissues warm towels or heat packs are used. They are placed on the spine to alleviate the pain, reducing swelling if any. 
  •  Cold therapy:  Ice packs or ice massages are placed on the severe regions of the spine to reduce pain. It is an effective therapy recommended by doctors. 
  • Water therapy:   there is a massive pain relief by utilizing water therapy. It includes exercise in the water pool. It decreases the pressure on the affected areas.
  •  Massage: Arthritis can be well treated through massage. But, keep in mind that you visit a trained and skilled professional for treating the pain well. Massage helps in increasing the blood flow and increases flexibility. 
  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS): in this type of therapy electrodes are placed to the affected area and a small electrical current is transmitted to certain nerves.

Once, you have attained the complete course of your physical therapies, you can continue to exercise at home for the continued treatment on your own. These exercises are recommended by your physical therapist. 

Orthocure Clinics have a team of specialized and experienced doctors that undergo an integrated treatment adopting globally praised and advanced techniques to deliver beneficial diagnosis and treatment for your arthritis pain and other bone and muscle-related problems. We provide personalized healthcare.